The Most Unlikely Banana Thieves!

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While eating breakfast on the patio one Saturday morning, we noticed a pair of muscovy ducks looking pretty suspicious around our banana trees. Upon further inspection, we came to realize that they were pecking at our fruit! Of all the things to get into our fruit, we didn’t think the ducks would be the culprits!

Luckily, once we inspected the damage, we realized that it was time to harvest the fruit anyway. Here are a few pics of Kevin proudly holding our first bunch ever! What makes this even more special is that these trees were pups that we dug up from grandmother’s home. Bananas produce baby plants, or pups, right next to mature trees and we were lucky enough to get these. It took almost 2 years for this first tree to give fruit.

Two of the other trees we planted have fruit growing on them as well, but are not ready to harvest just yet. We decided to hang our newly harvested bunch to let them ripen in the patio… We were also kind enough to cut off the bitten bananas and leave them at the base of the plant for the poor ducks to finish off. We figured they deserved that snack for giving us the heads up that they were ready to harvest.

Now we have LOTS of bananas for sharing and freezing. I love to make banana bread (with mini chocolate chips just for fun) and freeze them. They make great snacks or breakfast for busy week day mornings.

Check out our harvest after a few days of ripening!

Considering our circumstances, have any of you gotten to work more in your gardens? What have you harvest? What is doing well for you this time of year? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!