About Us
My husband and I didn’t meet each other until we were in our 30’s. There’s a distinct line in the sand between your 20’s and your 30’s. You know what I mean?
Before I met Kevin, I had already traveled to 4 different continents and visited 5 of the 7 wonders of the modern world. I had run 3 marathons, completed my master’s degree and worked in two different professions. I had also, unfortunately, already been married and divorced.
This is all to say that I had already lived what seemed an entire lifetime. I had experienced some heartache and loss but I had also achieved so many goals and had so many amazing experiences! Despite all of my wonderful adventures, I was living life in a great void and was still completely unfulfilled. What I wanted more than anything was the greatest adventure of all. I wanted to fall in love- truly in love- and I wanted to be a mom.
In the interim, I held to my belief that, along with prayer “the cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea” (Isak Dinesen). I filled the void in my heart with the ocean, with fresh air, with early morning runs that ended in beautiful sunrises, with kayaking and hiking and bird watching and moon gazing. And when I met him- I knew.
Kevin is a self-proclaimed “water rat” who had spent his childhood fishing, bike riding, and playing in the woods behind his home. He’s a master diver and is seemingly unafraid of anything. He can tell what kind of fish he’s caught by the way it tugs on his line and notices the small things that I notice when we’re out for walks- the sorts of things no one else seems to see. He can build anything, fix anything, and believes in repurposing and conserving. Basically, he’s PERFECT for this nature-loving-granola-eating-tree-hugging-bird-nerd and I’m so glad I can call him mine. Oh, did I mention he’s handsome as hell?!
Our goal is to raise a family that appreciates the beauty of nature and feels gratitude and humility when surrounded by it. This blog is all about our little family’s adventures in the great Florida outdoors- and my role as a mommy (and teacher) in getting us outside to play in the beautiful Sunshine State. We hope you enjoy hearing our stories and learning with us along the way!